Friday, November 25, 2016

More photos from the beach

Washed up crab pot

This is my favorite sight to see!! A rock wash!

I never tire of the sunsets!

A lavender gem!

Often, these tracks were paths for my kids to follow!

Child #3 found this a filled it up

I love the morning light!

Another beauty!

These are from a surprise rock wash I found

I love pink time! As the sun sets everything is magical and glowy!

One afternoon there was a real, live bagpiper! He played "Amazing Grace" and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!

I love this sunset and the smooth sand - all to me! I'm so lucky!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Soaking it in

The knowledge that we are moving has caused me to see our beautiful home and coastside with new eyes and I have been trying my best to capture it with my iPhone camera as well. Here are a few shots of the seemingly common things that I will miss and of course, I have been trying to fit in all the sea glassing I can. The beach hasn't disappointed!

We saw this on our walk home after Joy School, one beautiful day.
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Can you see the Snowy White Egret? These are always a delight to see on the beach and in our marsh.

The way the sun hits the sand first thing in the morning is a favorite of mine.

This gives an idea of the power of the ocean, moving and rolling beach items around.

Bowls of littles that I have found on my beach runs

More littles!

Lovely blue - just sitting there waiting for me to pick it up and bring it home:)