Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

There are so many ways to recognize the significance of this day. In our church there isn't a specific worship service held on Friday as we try to focus more on the life and resurrection of Jesus but still what happened on that Friday long, long ago holds such significance.

I came up with the idea that the children and I would visit a national cemetery and look up family names and make a quick visit to their grave with a flower or two. We didn't really know the people whose markers we visited but their last names were family history names. It worked for the gentle lesson I was trying to teach. The lesson being, that because of Jesus Christ we will all be resurrected, our bodies will be perfected and reunited with our souls. And walking among the rows and rows and miles and miles of white headstones, my heart felt such gratitude for the Savior and the priceless gift that he gave us.

Then this morning, early with Child #3, I went to the beach. She played in the sand and I walked. (I didn't stray too far!) But I found this lovely piece and immediately thought of the stone that was rolled in front of the tomb where Jesus was laid on that long ago Friday. It was a perfect way to begin the day.

And if you haven't seen this clip "Because of Him", spend 2:44 minutes and be inspired. My favorite line is "Regret into Relief".
He lives! This I know.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Motherhood Realized

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What a true statement!
 Lately I have needed to remind myself that we all parent differently and that is fine. Catherine Arveseth is a wonderful writer and blogger. Her blog is a favorite. And the book Motherhood Realized is brilliant. The book is a collection of essays by thoughtful moms and at the end of each essay there is a question for the reader to reflect upon.
So glad I bought it!
PS - Not sure why the quote is so big and lays on top of the schedule there. Sorry about my limited tech skills!

Monday, April 7, 2014

What a frozen chunk of beef will do!

I know this is random but on Saturday, I was holding Cora and opened the freezer to take something out. I knocked out a frozen chunk of beef and it landed right on my toe. Wow! It hurt! The kids were fascinated by it all day.

Here are some happier things- sea glass...
Child #2 likes to sort and she is good at it too!

Lots of blues on this day

Last weeks find and where I usually spill it out..... on the table.

Yellow! What a find!