Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Beauties

I'm not sure why this didn't post weeks ago. Sorry it is late!

These are a few photos that capture the beauty of the season. I have felt such joy and peace this season.
My sister-in-law gave me this our first Christmas. It is 10 years old. I still love it!

 This display box is a favorite gift from last year. I love seeing all my treasures on display. It brings me such joy!

This is my favorite nativity set. My mother-in-law bought it in Alaska for me. Such a thoughtful, perfect gift.

Seeing nativities rearranged and combined by my kids makes me smile.

This photo was snapped as we were decorating. It is fun to have my kids help me. They remember where everything goes and how to put it together.

The card wall in the kitchen. I LOVE Christmas cards!

Here is a close up. I love this purple marker art work of the 1st Christmas done by Child #2.

 These beauties were started last Christmas but I was emotionally spent. This year they were much easier to complete. One is for our family to replace the one the was ruined (it was a relic from my childhood). The other was a gift for a dear friend.

These goodies were so delicious and so beautiful and so diverse! I had to photo them. We found them on the front steps without a note. We speculated for hours who gave them to us and then I listened to our home phone messages and we discovered who left them. YUM!

On our outing to Palo Alto, this house was around the corner from our friend's house. It was so Christmas-y and festive. I had to take a picture. I have looked at it at least 5 times since I took the photo. Beautiful!
Despite the rain and wind, I went to the beach this morning. I found some good pieces and then when the sun came out, I went to the beach again with the kids. We had fun and I found these lovelies.
Merry Christmas! May the beauty of this season fill your heart.

1 comment:

  1. I loooove your shadowbox, it is perfect in your home by the sea.
