Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm back and so is the sea glass!

It is a new year! And I have given up my mothers' club job as "blog editor", and am thrilled to have something to post on my blog.

It all began on Jan. 6 on the rocky Oceanside beach in Southern California. This beach is always lovely and smooth, but Jan 6, it was rocky with sea glass! Wahoo!

Here is what I gathered in one afternoon (and mostly carrying Child #3 on my hip!)
A peek in the bag!

There are from my beach in Northern California.
 Can you see the orange?! Yes, I found orange. It was a perfect afternoon!

Glass from my morning run/stroll as I hit the beach.
 Then Child #3 came down and threw sticks while I finished sea glassing.

It is going to be a great year! (Next post - the most perfect Christmas gift ever!)

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